Dear Readers,
The fourth issue of our magazine for 2018 has been published.
In our International Employment section you will find information on the latest legislative changes affecting the international labour market. In this issue we report on changes in the Slovak Republic, Pakistan and Finland.
In the Legal Management section we report, among other things, on the new law on the protection of business secrets in Sweden, on the reform of company law in Belgium and on the duty of the managing director to file for insolvency in the event of the insolvency of a GmbH in Germany.
Our Tax section contains a great deal of up-to-date and practical information on taxation, particularly in business transactions. Among other things, we inform you about the tax-free transfer of a computer to an employee in Germany, the valuation of the private use value of import vehicles in Germany and about the tax-neutral transfer of a sole proprietorship to a GmbH. We will inform you about the dates that you should note in September 2018.